All articles tagged with "Pain"

These mistresses wanted to have fun at the expense of this human pony and that is exactly what they did. They did not care what the human pony went through or felt. All that mattered to them was that they had fun at his expense and that he followed their instructions. When the mistresses were done doing their thing, they let him go and lick his wounds at his house.

When mistress Nikki and mistress Rafaela found out that this guy had messed up and they wanted to dominate as well as humiliate him which is what they did to him with their asses. The sexy mistresses had a great time torturing him with their naked hot bodies and at the same time humiliating him by facesitting him as well as making him a human pony. He never repeated his mistake again.

Goddess Electra needed to have fun at the expense of her boyfriend and she chose to do it by riding his back. The mistress knew him well and it was not hard for her to do it. In addition to that, she had him lick her feet and he was on a leash. The mistress enjoyed it all and she even recorded it all for her to watch and enjoy later.

Mistress Dula and her friend were craving some fun and they chose to have their fun at the expense of this human pony. They had it stripped down and they rode on its back for hours. It was painful and it was tiring for the pony but it did not have a say in the matter. They even whipped it a few times and it cried but they just laughed.

Mistress Dula and her friend wanted to push their human ponies to their limit and since they had time, they did not hesitate to do that. The mistresses made sure that the ponies could not afford to carry anything. They then asked them to lick the floor before they let them go. The sexy mistresses were armed with whips to make sure they would be obeyed by their human horses.

Lady Scarlet did not understand why this girl was jealous of her. She had not been gifted anything she had. It was all down to hard work and she had to make sure that she learned her lesson and worked hard herself instead of being jealous of others. The mistress turned her into a pony slave as punishment and then made her realize that if she was to be successful, it had to start with her.

Mistress Gaia found out that her slave was secretly stealing from her and she was pissed. She did not want that to be the way he did things going forward and so she punished him. She did it by turning him into a human pony and riding him. She even made it worse for him as she did it in on the treadmill so that it would be even more painful and demanding for him.

Mistress Claudia had beef with her slave and she rode him like a pony. She had to make sure that she dominated as well as humiliated him to the fullest extent possible. That is why she went out of her way to even whip him so that he new she was very serious about it. He never messed again as he knew that she would not tolerate any nonsense from him.

Mistress Alice and this guy did not see eye to eye and she considered him an enemy. She went out of her way to degrade him and turn him into a human pony. She rode his back and made sure he was in a lot of pain and that he was degraded and humiliated like never before. She whipped him when he did not cooperate and he learned to obey her.

Mistress Alice felt that this girl was too lazy for her but before she chased her away, the mistress felt that it was better if she punished her to see if she would change. So the mistress turned her into a human horse and she rode her all over the house. It was demeaning and it was painful for her not to mention extremely exhausting. But it was what she needed to stop being lazy.

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