All articles tagged with "Torture"

Mistress Polina had to find something to pass time and for her, that was making her slave a human pony. The mistress enjoyed it and had fun torturing him. He had wronged her but she needed to pass time as she was bored and did not have anything better to do. She spent a lot of doing it and it nearly broke the guy's back. When he slowed down, she would whip him.

Mistress Mary likes to punish people when they have wronged her. Today it was her husband. She had forgiven him before but he did it again and she knew that if she did not punish him, she would be encouraging him to continue messing up. So she had to come up with an alternative. She turned him into a human pony and rode his back while whipping his naked body.

When mistress Anfisa realized that her boyfriend was not ambitious, she knew that she had to correct that. It was either she dump him or make him change and become ambitious. Since she loved him, she decided to make him change. So she used her pony play femdom to do it. He was turned into a human pony and she rode his back painfully to make him change. He changed.

Mistress Alice wanted to make this punishment a painful one and that is what she did. She went out of her way to dominate this guy and to ensure that he was in a lot of pain. The mistress cruelly rode his back and ensured that he was in a lot of pain and that he regretted what he had done. He pleaded with her but she ignored him and continued punishing him.

When mistress Jenny-Nina's husband came home drunk today, she was pissed as she had told him to make sure he came home sober. She did not want him to get addicted to alcohol and so she had to make him stop. The mistress rode his back and she did it until it hurt him and the pain and humiliation broke through the alcohol barrier. He actually sobered up as she did that.

Mistress Natasha had tried to massage her husband's bad back but it did not get better. So she felt that she had to try something else however unconventional it was. So she used her pony play femdom to do it. She rode his back despite the fact that it was hurting. And to their surprise, he felt better by the time she was done riding his back. They did it again.

Mistress Claudia had beef with her slave and she rode him like a pony. She had to make sure that she dominated as well as humiliated him to the fullest extent possible. That is why she went out of her way to even whip him so that he new she was very serious about it. He never messed again as he knew that she would not tolerate any nonsense from him.

Mistress Roxana was not happy with her roommate and she had to punish her so that she stopped doing the kind of nonsense that she was used to. That way, the mistress knew her roommate would never forget what happened to her and she would not do what she had done again. The punishment was not just painful, but it was also humiliating and just what the roommate needed to change.

When mistress Saffron noticed that this guy was grossly incompetent, she had to dominate him and she did it with her pony play femdom. The mistress knew that she had to do it in a cruel way and that is why she settled on pony play as the best way to do it. The mistress laughed at the guy as she rode his back and he cried and begged her to stop.

Once mistress Cheyenne had finished turning this guy into a human pony, she laughed at him as she did not see anything good in him. And the mistress was also laughing at him because he looked scared shitless. He could not do anything about what she chose to punish him with and he knew he had to follow her instructions and do what she wanted him to do for it to be over quickly.

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